Our rate starts from ₦300,000 monthly depending on the need of our Care Receiver

Our Value Offering match the cost

At KMD Elderly Home, we understand that caring for the elderly demands the best of hands and that care delivery must be tailored individually without compromising standard.
We have put a mechanism in place that ensures that our patient get premium care. We have qualified and certified care givers as well as specialized medical professionals that care for our patient.
Our services covers cost of boarding, accommodation, meals, utilities, personal grooming, housekeeping, general assistance with daily living, continuous health monitoring, routine doctors visit.

Other services include, medication management, medical tests and treatment, special diet, hassle free transportation outside the facility, specialized care such as Orthopedic care, Occupational therapy, Arthritis & Rheumatism management Cerebral palsy management, Stroke / Cardiovascular accident management among others. Some of which attracts an additional fee

Our rates are affordable although tailored to meet client specific need after the necessary assessment has been done by our professional.